How long does forever last? What if we could really live all this time?
I've wished it once. From the very bottom of my soul. I had written about it. I had tried to make a deal with the devil, in a text but I tried...
Lately life had felt like forever. I'm in a good job, almost married. I've got a car and a house, though I'm only 23. Some may even envy me, and just a bit time ago I could be really proud of that.
The truth is that I'm slowly going numb. No drugs, mindsickness, just life.
Today she yield at me. I didn't care. I just kept listening to my music while I was tiping this text.
I wonder if, being imortal, there would be something to care at all.
1-Music still touches me, but there was a time when some songs would make me cry of joy...
2-Poetry seems depressed, or silly.
3-My womanizer time is gone, not to say that it had barely been here...
4-Both the sunsets and the moonlight are just sights.